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Creation / Nov. 2017

Cartoon is a project initially produced and managed by Le Center de Recherche en Art Clownesque ( CRAC ) directed by director, Yves Dagenais, who received support from the Canada Council for the Arts for this project.

Premiere / April 2018

Cartoon has its premiere in Montreal.

Performances / 2018 to 2020

Cartoon is presented about 15 times in Quebec.

Handover / Feb. 2020

In order to lighten the structure of the CRAC organization and to reduce its activities, Yves Dagenais handed over the exploitation rights to the artists of these different productions.

Production / February 3, 2020 

Cartoon is now produced, represented and managed by François Isabelle, performer and co-author of the show.

Since / Feb. 3, 2020

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, 6 performances of Cartoon have been done in person, in virtual and in hybrid.

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